Beyblade Fanon Wiki

G.R.A.P.E.S. (Great Rising Annihilation Phantom Execution Squad) is the purple faction of the World of Fanon, being led by Ezio of the Pyramid of Light.


The G.R.A.P.E.S. territory is all of Africa and half of Antarctica. The half of Antarctica that has the military base, making the G.R.A.P.E.S. also have a backup headquarters, and also have a place where they train bladers in boot camp like conditions, to make them extremely strong and skilled.

Base of Operations[]

G.R.A.P.E.S.'s base of operations is inside of an Egyptian jungle hidden in between waterfalls and endless amounts of mist coming from it. Many trees cover the base of operations, but when found, it is revealed to be a black castle with no logo or symbol revealing what the castle is for, which would be the purple factions. Inside the castle it is very fancy and rich looking, with carpets that have Purple Symbol, game rooms, labs, and a huge garage for an all black shiny private jet.


GRAPE Leader Attire

Leader's Attire

GRAPES Uniform

Male and Female Attire

Under the G.R.A.P.E.S. purple robes is their actual attire that they wear to represent them self. These outfits are revealed when the bladers take off their robes, in which they are only instructed to only take off their robes before battle. While the members wear the standard attire, the leader wears something significantly different in appearance, making it easy to identify he is the leader without even having to ask.


Name Rank Bey
Ezio of the Pyramid of Light Leader Black Steel Kajeel
Aura of the Light that Messes Things Up Guard Photon Assassin Queen
Vari of the #4Dcl@n Blader Power Blade Dragus
King of the Hill Blader Atomic Ra N:D
Jr of the 2.0 Androids Blader Cross dracoyy F:MS

Factions of Beyblade Fanon
Crimson Storm
Sapphire Emmisaries
Gravity Bandits